Work Experience (FETAC Level 5)
- Course Fee: Special Offer price Now only: €249.50
- Was:
€499 - FETAC Level 5 component Certificate in Work Experience (W20008).
- Distance learning/eLearning home study course leading to a FETAC award.
- There are no lectures to attend, and all course materials are provided.
- Students can complete this course within 3 months which is ample time and can start it at any time of the year that is convenient. If students need to extend this period for any reason during or near the end of the course they can request an extension through the college.
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Who should complete this course?
This module is a statement of the standards to be achieved to gain a FETAC credit in Work Experience at Level 5. The module is designed to meet the needs of learners undertaking a wide range of Level 5 further education and training courses. Work Experience is a planned experiential learning activity and is an integral part of an educational process. It involves learners preparing and planning for work, working under direction in a specific vocational area and reviewing and evaluating that work. The experience of work enables learners to develop work skills, evaluate employment opportunities and cope with changing work environments.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- develop critical awareness of the changing nature of work
- set achievable goals for work experience
- utilise learning opportunities presented in the work environment
- apply work skills to consolidate learning in the vocational area
- understand how work is planned and organised at different levels in a specific vocational area
- appreciate the importance of safety and welfare in the workplace
- develop capabilities, both personal and vocational, to successfully meet challenges in the workplace
- review career choices in the light of their own aspirations, experience, abilities and available options
- explore future employment opportunities (including opportunities for self employment, contract work, work in the social economy, etc).
This distance learning, FETAC accredited course means that Students can study flexibly at home, or at any convenient place and time, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification.
Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Studyguide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration. The course documentation for this FETAC certified course is detailed and easy to read. If students require extra time to complete the course they can apply for an extension.
Assignments may be emailed or posted to the College whichever is more convenient.
Topics covered include:
- Unit 1 Planning and Preparation
- Unit 2 Experience
- Unit 3 Review and Evaluation.
Special Requirements:
- Learners undertaking Placement or Practice modes of work experience must work the equivalent of ten to fifteen working days. A minimum of ten days must be completed in the placement or practice situation. The remaining five working days may be made up of current relevant work, paid or unpaid. Some specific certificate areas may require learners to undertake a more extensive period of work experience.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites
- Level 4 Certificate, or Leaving Cert, or equivalent, or relevant life and work experience.
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- All students will be required to record their Oral presentations on video so Tutor can review your presentation style and provide better feedback.
- As this programme is delivered through distance learning or eLearning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
- For more details on participation suitability of this course click here».
Learner Record 70%
Skills Demonstration 30%
Assignment 20%
Learner Record:
A personal journal will be compiled by candidates. It will include a description of the candidate’s planning and preparation, the candidate’s experience in the workplace, and a review and evaluation of the candidate’s learning while on work experience. It should include:
- a description of personal planning and preparation activities, including personal skills audit and learning goals set
- a detailed description of work undertaken
- an indication of what new learning has occurred, challenges encountered and positive aspects experienced, both personal and work related
- review of learning goals
- an outline of what the candidate would do differently in any future work experience
- an outline of future plans in the light of workplace experiences.
Evidence of planning and preparation should include details of all arrangements made, with relevant documents such as information on vocational area and relevant legislation, correspondence with employer agency, letter of application with CV, details of work, contract etc.
Skills Demonstration:
In one or more skills demonstrations, candidates will be assessed in a broad range of vocational, practical and interpersonal communication skills while in the workplace. These workplace skills should be assessed by the workplace supervisor. The Supervisor’s Report form is supplied in the module.
Further comments/observations on the Supervisor’s report may be included by the Work Experience Assessor/co-ordinator.
The internal assessor will devise a brief that requires candidates to investigate their vocational award area. The profile should:
- describe the industry/sector and its range of occupations
- detail the qualifications and experience needed for work associated with one occupation in the vocational area
- discuss employment and career opportunities in the vocational award area.
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 5 component Certificate in Work Experience (W20008).
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and accreditation.
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