Nutrition (FETAC Level 5)
Newly Updated
- Course Fee: Special Offer price Now only: €274.50
- Was:
€549 - FETAC Level 5 component certificate in Nutrition (C20140).
- Distance Learning course
- One to One support by fully qualified tutors & Nationally accredited by: FETAC
- All course materials are provided
- Students can complete this course within 3 months which is ample time and can start it at any time of the year that is convenient. If students need to extend this period for any reason during or near the end of the course they can request an extension through the college.
Some of the many benefits of studying with us on this course:
- Pricing: Our Prices can’t be beaten – Why Pay more for the same FETAC Award!
- Interest Free Easy Payment Plan available with this course. »Click here for further details.
- Study at your own time and pace and anywhere that suits you.
- No lectures to attend.
- Most up to date and relevant course materials.
- We only offer FETAC awards thus ensuring high Quality and Standards.
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Course Details:
The purpose of this course is to provide you with the knowledge of the composition of food and how food affects an individual’s personal well-being.
Topics covered include:
- Composition of Food
- Nutrition and Health
- Nutrition and Exercise
- Food Labelling.
Course documentation for this FETAC accredited course is detailed, comprehensive and easy to read. This distance learning FETAC accredited course means that students can study flexibly at home or at work, while gaining an Internationally recognised qualification.
Who should complete this course?
- People who wish to pursue a career in any of the complementary therapies.
- People who wish to pursue a career and work in the fields of natural health, nutrition and physical fitness.
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- be familiar with the composition of food
- evaluate the nutritional content of food
- understand the relationship between health and nutrition
- interpret current dietary information and recommendations
- examine eating habits
- be familiar with the nutritional needs of different groups of people
- acquire a range of practical techniques.
Specific Learning Outcomes
Unit 1 Composition of Food
Learners should be able to:
- outline the main constituents of food
- outline the functions of food, specifying the different classes of nutrients and the main functions of each type
- list the energy values of the different food types
- list the factors that affect the energy requirement of an individual
- explain the following terms: basal metabolic rate (BMR), reference nutrient intake (RNI)
- list the factors that can alter BMR
- label a diagram of the human digestive system
- list the functions of the digestive organs
- outline the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients in the human body.
Learners should be able to:
- distinguish between the following fats: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated
- distinguish between essential and non-essential fatty acids
- outline the role of each type of fat in relation to health
- list food sources of essential fatty acids
- list the main sources of fat in the Irish diet
- list the effects of the deficiency and excess intake of fat
- test foods for the presence of fat.
Learners should be able to:
- classify carbohydrates into: monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide
- distinguish between digestible and poorly digestible (non-starch polysaccharide NSP) carbohydrates
- discuss the importance of fibre in the diet
- list two sources of soluble fibre and two sources of insoluble fibre, and state possible health functions of each
- list main sources of carbohydrates in the Irish diet
- list effects of a low and a high carbohydrate diet
- test foods for the presence of carbohydrates.
Learners should be able to:
- distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids
- list the factors that affect the protein requirement of an individual
- explain the significance of protein energy malnutrition (P.E.M.)
- list the main sources of protein the Irish diet
- list the effects of protein deficiency in a diet
- test foods for the presence of proteins
- compare the protein content of foods derived from plants and animals.
Learners should be able to:
- outline the role of vitamins and minerals in maintaining good health
- explain why certain groups of people are at high risk of suffering vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- list the functions, sources, deficiency symptoms and the effects of excessive intake of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, b-carotene, D,E, K)
- list the functions, sources and deficiency symptoms of folic acid
- list the functions, sources, deficiency symptoms and the effects of excessive intake of the water-soluble vitamins (B1 , B2 , B6 , B12, C)
- list the functions, sources and deficiency symptoms of the minerals (Fe, Ca, I, P, Na, Zn)
- list the trace elements that are required in the diet
- source information on the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for vitamins and minerals
- outline the factors that affect the absorption of minerals
- explain how the vitamin and mineral content of food can be preserved
- investigate the effects of preparation/cooking on the vitamin C content of food.
Unit 2 Nutrition and Health
Learners should be able to:
- list the current dietary recommendations of the: NACNE report (National Advisory Committee on Nutrition Education) and Health Promotion Unit of the Department of Health
- justify these current dietary recommendations
- discuss the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining good health
- discuss the role of the media in influencing peoples’ food choices e.g. BSE, butter vs. margarine, bottled water vs. tap water, high sugar foods
- compare the nutritional properties of different types of milk
- list the specific nutritional needs of: infants, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly
- discuss the factors that influence the eating habits of: children, adolescents, the elderly,
- discuss the causes, symptoms and effects of: anorexia nervosa, bulimia and obesity
- evaluate, for a child and an adult: a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet in terms of meeting their dietary requirements
- discuss the role of diet in coronary heart disease and hypertension
- discuss the role of diet in dental health
- discuss the possible links between diet and cancer
- list the factors that lead to the development of osteoporosis
- devise a suitable menu for the following groups: infants, school-going children, adolescents, pregnant women, vegetarians, vegans, athletes
- outline the role of diet in the treatment of the following: diabetes mellitus, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, lactose intolerance, P.K.U.
- list the different techniques for measuring the nutritional status of an individual
- summarise the nutritional intake of an individual using the 24- hour recall method
- compare the nutritional intake of an individual with the reference nutrient
- intake (RNI).
Unit 3 Nutrition and Exercise
Learners should be able to:
- explain the terms: nutritional status, glycogen loading, dehydration
- explain the effect of diet and nutritional status on physical performance
- explain how glycogen loading is achieved
- list the possible causes and effects of dehydration
- discuss the importance of high fluid intake at all times
- justify the need of fluid and electrolyte replacement before, during and after training and competition.
Unit 4 Food Labelling
Learners should be able to:
- specify the labelling of food products in accordance with EU regulations
- interpret the nutrition labels on a variety of food products
- explain the term “food additive”
- list the main categories of food additives
- distinguish between artificial and natural food additives
- explain the term “additive induced hyperactivity”
- explain the origin and significance of E numbers
- source information on E numbers.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites:
- Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences.
- As this study programme is delivered through distance learning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
- For more details on participation suitability of this course click here».
This course is assessed through a combination of assignments and a supervised exam. Students taking this module will have to sit an examination (€50.00) that is normally held in Dublin but arrangements can be made in outside centres around the country. This can be paid before exam dates and is not required upon enrolment.
Assignments (2).
Assignment 1: The brief for the first assignment will focus on the nutritional content of foods. Candidates will carry out an investigation of foods using appropriate research methods, analyse the results and present conclusions and recommendations. Candidates will submit a report with supporting
documentation as part of the evidence.
Assignment 2: The brief for the second assignment will focus on the nutritional requirements of individuals or groups. Candidates will investigate the dietary requirements of specific individuals or groups. They will devise suitable menus, outline the rationale for their selections and make recommendations. Candidates will submit a report with supporting documentation as part of the evidence.
Each assignment carries equal marks.
Examination. This examination will be based on a range of specific learning outcomes and will be 2 hours in duration.
The format of the examination will be as follows:
Section A:
- 12 short answer questions.
- Candidates are required to answer 10 (4 marks each).
Section B:
- 4 structured questions.
- Candidates are required to answer 3 (20 marks each.)
Pass 50 – 64%
Merit 65 – 79%
Distinction 80 – 100%
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 5 component Certificate in Nutrition (C20141).
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85.00 registration fee payable to include administration, course materials, moderation and FETAC accreditation.
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