Human Resources – N32648 (FETAC Level 6) delivered by attendance learning
- Course Fee: New Introductory Offer price only: €249.50
- Normally:
€499 - FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Human Resources (N32648).
- The course includes 8 half day evening workshops(6.30 – 9.30pm) supported by substantial course materials accredited by: FETAC.
- Course fee includes all documentation, lecturing, assessments, learner registration and FETAC certification fees. No other fees to pay.
- The next course will be run in – November 27th, December 4th, 11th, 18th 2012 & Jam 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th 2013.
- Course Location: Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
- Venue: Easy access from Luas Green Line, Sandyford and M50. Free Parking also available.
Enrol for this course online now with your Credit or Laser Card»
By contacting us on 01 206 1828 »
Who should complete this course?
This very comprehensive module is designed to enable the learner to gain an in-depth understanding of the role and functions of Human Resources. It is aimed at those wishing to develop their practical skills appropriate to a supervisory management level.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- Acquire, develop and enhance the necessary personal and interpersonal skills required to work in a Human Resource Department
- Be able to lead, motivate and support employees which ultimately contributes to the overall success of the organisation
- Develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of attracting, selecting and retaining the most suitable candidates for the organisation
- Design, implement and modify staff development and training programmes to adapt to a dynamic and changing environment
- Become familiar with the range of available Computerised Information Systems and the criteria for their selection.
The course documentation for this FETAC certified course is detailed and easy to read.
The specific learning outcomes are grouped into six units:
- Unit 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Unit 2: Labour Market
- Unit 3: Recruitment & Selection
- Unit 4: Motivation & Reward Systems
- Unit 5: Training & Development
- Unit 6: Administration & Computerised Information Systems.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites:
- Level 5 Certificate, or Leaving Cert, equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences.
- For more details on participation suitability of this course click here».
Learners are assessed over the duration of this module as follows:
Project 50%
Skills Demonstration 30%
Assignment 20%
The internal assessor will devise a project brief that requires candidates to produce evidence of understanding and application of a range of specific learning outcomes. The brief will require the candidate to carry out a critical evaluation of the Recruitment and Selection process in a work placement that they are familiar with. A written project containing a minimum of 3,000 words will be presented in a formal report format. Each candidate will also make a short oral presentation on their findings.
Their research will contain:
- identification of the Labour Market trends that affect their work placement
- an awareness of the use of job analysis in their work placement
- evaluation of the selection method employed by the work placement
- evidence of the documents and records maintained during this process
- analysis of the work placements awareness of the impact of relevant legislation
- a critical evaluation of the Recruitment & Selection process in their work placement.
Skills Demonstration
In a skills demonstration, candidates will be assessed on their ability to prepare and deliver a short training session. The Internal Assessor will devise a brief that will require candidates to demonstrate their knowledge, application and skills in relation to a number of specific learning outcomes.
The skills demonstration will require candidates to:
- conduct a skills audit of a group / team they are familiar with
- identify a common training need
- design a programme to meet this need
- prepare and deliver the learning event
- provide any support material required
- evaluate the training.
The internal assessor will devise a brief that requires the candidate to participate in a group led research in which they undertake a comprehensive study of available Computerised Human Resource Information Systems. This research must include a minimum of three software packages. The research will involve a detailed analysis of each software package.
Each candidate must then prepare a submission in which they select one software package, which they understand will best meet the needs of a Human Resource Department that they are familiar with. Their submission must outline the justification for their selection giving consideration to the available resources of the organisation and the needs of that organisation’s Human Resource Department.
Pass 50 – 64%
Merit 65 – 79%
Distinction 80 – 100%
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Human Resources (N32648).
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
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