Finance (FETAC Level 6)
- Course Fee: Special Offer price Now only: €249.50
- Was previously:
€499 - FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Finance (L32494).
- Distance Learning home study course accredited by: FETAC
- There are no lectures to attend, and all course materials are provided.
- Students can complete this course within 3 months which is ample time and can start it at any time of the year that is convenient. If students need to extend this period for any reason during or near the end of the course they can request an extension through the college.
- Students must sit an examination as part of the assessment process.
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The Purpose of this module:
This module is a statement of the standards to be achieved to gain a FETAC credit in Finance at Level 6. The module is designed to provide the learner with understanding, knowledge and practical skills required to understand the basics of finance and how money works.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- understand financial jargon
- develop an awareness of the key elements to good financial management
- demonstrate their ability to read financial statements
- be able to assess financial viability and performance
- develop their confidence in communicating regarding financial matters
- appreciate the importance and the elements of monetary control within an organisation
- be familiar with the time value of money.
This distance learning, FETAC accredited course means that Students can study flexibly at home, or at any convenient place and time, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification.
Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Studyguide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration. The course documentation for this FETAC certified course is detailed and easy to read. If students require extra time to complete the course they can apply for an extension.
Topics covered include:
- Unit 1: Understanding Financial Statements
- Unit 2: Budgeting and Cashflow Management
- Unit 3: Costing & Pricing
- Unit 4: Capital Budgeting
Preferred entry level:
Leaving Certificate or equivalent and /or relevant life and work Experience. Learners are expected to be proficient at reading, drafting, preparing and understanding information across a broad range of topics, including quantitative information for a Level 5 award and more complex information for Level 6 award.
As this programme is delivered through distance learning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
Programme Entry Requirements:
If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
Progression to further Studies:
This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications. You can use this credit towards completing a major award in any of the following Major awards:
- BAXXX Administration
- BBMXX Business Management
- BMANX Management
Examination 50%
Assignment 50%
Examination: The internal assessor will devise a theory-based examination that assesses candidates’ ability to recall and apply theory and understanding, requiring responses to a range of short answer and structured question types. The examination will be based on a range of specific learning outcomes from units 2, 3 and 4and will be one and a half hours in duration.
The format of the examination will be as follows: two sections; Sections one: Answer seven out of ten multiple choice questions, two marks per question answered. Maximum marks available for section one are fourteen marks. Section two: Answer two out of four structured questions,. Eighteen marks per question. Maximum marks available in section two is thirty six marks.
(Seven short answer and two structured questions to be answered in total.)
Assignment: The internal assessor will devise a brief that requires candidates to demonstrate an understanding and application of a range of specific learning outcomes from the Unit 1.
The assignment will include financial statement analysis, calculating key ratios, commentary on financial performance, discussion of factors affecting financial performance and making recommendations
As part of our quality assurance, student assessment work will be marked by an Internal Assessor, validated by a Verifier with an independent FETAC External Authenticator to complete the process.
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Finance (L32494).
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85.00 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and FETAC accreditation.
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