Employment Law (FETAC Level 6)
- Course Fee: Special Offer price Now only: €324.50
- Was:
€649 - FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Employment Law (L32491).
- Distance learning/eLearning home study course leading to a FETAC award.
- There are no lectures to attend, and all course materials are provided.
- Students can complete this course within 3 months which is ample time and can start it at any time of the year that is convenient. If students need to extend this period for any reason during or near the end of the course they can request an extension through the college.
- Students must sit an examination as part of the assessment process.
- Students Please Note: This is an intensive and quite demanding course.
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Who should complete this course?
- Students who wish to gain a FETAC credit in Employment Law at Level 6.
- This module is designed to equip participants with knowledge of the component parts of employment law and an appreciation of how employment law principles work in practice. In addition, candidates who successfully complete this module will develop an in-depth understanding of the statutory frameworks which regulate the employer/employee relationship.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- develop an understanding of the sources of and rationale behind Irish employment law
- explain the impact current legislation has on the key aspects of employment practice
- demonstrate detailed knowledge of the characteristics of a contract of employment, including statutory and EC law regulation of the employment relationship
- appreciate the role of law in regulating working conditions and promoting fairness, equality and best practice in the workplace
- demonstrate awareness of the practices and procedures relating to disciplinary matters
- describe types, legal provisions and rights relating to discrimination
- appreciate how the law has developed to grant family friendly rights to employees
- appreciate the legal significance of HR policies and procedures, particularly in relation to disputes or legal action
- critically evaluate the impact of an aspect of employment law on working conditions in their own vocational area.
This distance learning, FETAC accredited course means that Students can study flexibly at home, or at any convenient place and time, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification.
Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Studyguide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration. The course documentation for this FETAC certified course is detailed and easy to read. If students require extra time to complete the course they can apply for an extension.
Assignments may be emailed or posted to the College whichever is more convenient.
Topics covered include:
Unit 1: The Regulatory Framework
Unit 2: Contracts of Employment
Unit 3: Discrimination
Unit 4: Dismissal and Redundancy
Unit 5: Health & Safety at Work
Unit 6: Collective Employment Law
* Special Requirements: Candidates should be in occupational roles sufficient to allow them reflect upon the practical implications of the current legislation in relation to managing people.
Preferred entry level:
- Level 5 Certificate, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences. Learners are expected to be proficient at reading, drafting, preparing and understanding information across a broad range of topics, including quantitative information for a Level 5 award and more complex information for Level 6 award.
- As this programme is delivered through distance learning or eLearning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
Programme Entry Requirements:
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
Progression to further Studies:
- This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Students who successfully complete this programme may use this Level 6 credit towards the FETAC Major award in any of the following areas:
BAXX Administration.
BMANX Management.
Examination (Theory-Based) 20%
Assignment 40%
Project 40%
The internal assessor will devise a theory-based examination that assesses candidates’ ability to recall and apply theory and understanding gained through lectures, self-directed study and homework style exercises completed by the candidates during the module.
The examination will be based on a range of specific learning outcomes. Candidates will be offered a choice of five questions from which they must attempt two. The selection of questions will be varied and will include a combination of case note questions and questions which require a critical analysis of a legislative enactment of part thereof.
The case note type question will typically require the candidate to analyse the judgment(s) and demonstrate an understanding of the legal issues which arose for decision by the Court/Labour Court/Equality Tribunal/Employment Appeals Tribunal in two of four leading cases.
The internal assessor will devise a brief that requires candidates to produce evidence that demonstrates an understanding and application of a range of specific learning outcomes. Candidates will be set a fictional scenario similar to the facts of one or more actual decided cases the candidate will have studied. The candidate will be asked to advise one or more of the characters in the scenario in relation to the principal employment law issues that arise on the facts.
The internal assessor will devise a brief that requires the candidate to produce evidence that demonstrates an understanding and application of a range of specific learning outcomes.
Candidates will be given a choice of three topics from which they must choose one. Topics may be drawn from different units of the module, and may take the form of a court case report, a small scale research study or investigative report.
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Employment Law (L32491) from FETAC.
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85.00 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and FETAC accreditation.
Further Study Options:
»Click here to view some further study options.
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