Digital Photography (FETAC Level 6) delivered by Attendance Learning
- Course Fee: New price reduction only – €299
- FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Digital Photography (L32575).
- Full Attendance Learning course leading to a FETAC award.
- Course is run over 1 full day a week for 4 weeks.
- Midweek Dates: September 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th.
- Course Location: Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
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Who should complete this course?
- Learners who wish to acquire skills in experiment digital photography and post-production imaging. It aims to provide enhanced skills and knowledge that are currently required within the photographic industry.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- acquire advanced skills in digital photographic production.
- develop an understanding of the inter-relationship between theory and practice of photography.
- work in a disciplined manner to participate successfully as a member of a professional team.
- develop an awareness of digital photography as a contemporary medium of communication.
- develop critical skills through the practice of digital photography.
- use a range of industry standard digital capture and editing devices.
- assemble a portfolio of work suitable for presentation at interview and public display.
- develop an awareness of a range of jobs and careers within the photographic industry.
- enhance creativity through the practice of photography.
- examine a photographic business idea and consider if there is a market for same.
Daily Topics covered include:
Day 1 – Morning:
The aim of the morning session is to ensure that the students understand the consumer market of the DSLR in order to ensure that they are confident in knowing what they are purchasing and that it is suitable for the field of photography that they wish to pursue.
Following this they will understand the fundamentals of the camera that cross over all DSLR.
Day 1 – Afternoon:
The aim of this session is to educate students in the area of post – capture production, image storage and printing. In the age of digital photography post – capture production has become almost as imperative as the photograph itself, this lesson discusses the most effective editing techniques used by leading photographers of today. The final section of the lesson will examine the modern storage techniques of today and methods recommended for printing.
Day 2 – Morning:
The aim of this lesson is to take Photoshop to the next level and demonstrate non – destructive editing. This will be mainly demonstrated on a face along with other images.
Day 2 – Afternoon:
The aim of this lesson is discuss the necessary planning required for carrying out a professional shoot. The planning of the shoot is as important as the shoot itself.
Day 3 – Morning:
National Art Gallery Visit. The aim of this trip is to introduce fine art into the course. This activity fuels the students’ thought process.
Day 3 – Afternoon:
In this class the Art Gallery visit will be discussed. Each student will discuss the pieces that they chose and what ideas they have for their own pieces.
Day 4 – Morning:
This class will cover any topics covered that students wish to be revised from the course.
Day 4 – Afternoon:
In this lesson students can bring in their portfolio and workbook and be critiqued by other students and myself. Each student will present their work so far and discuss their choices. They must make reference to topics covered throughout the course.
Preferred entry level:
- Level 5 Certificate, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences. Learners are expected to be proficient at reading, drafting, preparing and understanding information across a broad range of topics, including quantitative information for a Level 5 award and more complex information for Level 6 award.
Course Requirements:
Learners will need to own or have access to the following list of equipment to complete the course.
- A digital Camera – Point and Shoot or DSLR with a minimum of 8 mega-pixel with at least a standard 50mm lens, (preferably a wide angle to telephoto zoom) and a flash either on camera or a separate off – camera flash. (NB. Students work will not be judged by the equipment on which it is taken, but on the quality and creativity of the work itself.)
- A tripod or monopod would be advisable but not essential.
- A laptop (either PC or Mac) and students must be computer proficient.
- Access to the Internet.
- Imaging software, Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, PaintshopPro (PSP) free programs such as GIMP or Paint.net ( PC only) are available for download and work well , or other imaging software of your choice.
- A flatbed scanner.
- A printer capable of producing Photographic quality prints .
- Memory cards, CD or DVD burner USB memory sticks.
- SD Card Reader.
- One of the classes requires learners to have a disposable camera with flash.
Programme Entry Requirements:
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
Progression to further Studies:
- This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications. Successful students can use this credit towards a major award in any of the following areas:
AAAXX Arts Administration
AABAX Arts and Business
AIXXX Illustration
APAPX Professional Arts Practice
EMPRO Media Production
EPHOT Photography.
Candidates will be assessed by briefs that have been set down by the internal assessor; candidates will have to complete three tasks:
Collection of Work 50%
Project 30%
Workbook 20%
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 6 component FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Digital Photography (L32575) from FETAC.
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85.00 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and FETAC accreditation.
Further Study Options:
»Click here to view some further study options.
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