Communications 6N1950 (FETAC Level 6)
- Course Fee: Special Offer price Now only: €264.50
- Was:
€529 - FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Communications (6N1950).
- Distance learning or eLearning course leading to a FETAC award.
- There are no lectures to attend, and all course materials are provided.
- Students can complete this course within 3 months which is ample time and can start it at any time of the year that is convenient. If students need to extend this period for any reason during or near the end of the course they can request an extension through the college.
- This module is one of the mandatory modules required for obtaining the Advanced Major award in Early Childhood Care & Education – 6M2007.
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Who should complete this course?
- Learners who want an opportunity to reflect on the nature of human communication and on their own individual competence as communicators.
- Learners who may already be practised and experienced communicators to wish to explore ways of developing and refining existing skills to their full potential in both professional and private life.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- heighten an awareness of the essential role played by communication in human interaction
- understand the communicative principles and practices involved in gathering and relaying information
- analyse the nature and theory of communication
- explore varieties of non-verbal communication
- acquire the skills and confidence required to encode and decode meaning, in writing, verbally and visually
- enhance and refine interactive skills and qualities.
This distance learning, FETAC accredited course means that students can study flexibly at home, or at any convenient place and time, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification.
Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Studyguide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration. The course documentation for this FETAC certified course is detailed and easy to read. If students require extra time to complete the course they can apply for an extension.
Topics Covered Include:
- Unit1: This first unit looks at some of the modern communication difficulties, and advantages, brought about by the introduction of technology into the communications process. It starts by looking at the History of communications and how it has developed over time in its many revolutions, including the latest the technological communications revelation.
- Unit 2: looks at Irish and European Legislation surrounding communications.
Within this second unit, you will look broadly at legislation that effects communications, governing technology, your working environment and as it pertains to health and safety legislation. In addition to the legislation outlined, there is one additional support body ” NERA National Employment Rights Authority ” which also plays a key role in understanding core components of legislations that you will use in your day to day work as a supervisor or manager. - Unit 3: Non-verbal communication plays such a significant role in our lives today, that it has been studied by many people in many fields. Figures may vary but on average up to 75% of what we actually communicate is non-verbal. Nonverbal communications competence requires us to be able to encode and decode nonverbal messages.
- Unit 4: We look at the many ways to enhance the message you are trying to send through the use of imagery, or how to completely replace a message with one image that tells a story. Visual images in the work place when applied for example in Health and Safety, can be very effective at illustrating the meaning or seriousness of the message being communicated.
- Unit 5: We will look at how we utilise listening skills in a variety of roles and contexts, to include note-taking, receiving messages, taking minutes, reporting, summarising, paraphrasing. All of the above tasks require that at first you listen, and then understand what has been communicated to you. We will look further at the difference between listening and hearing with the former being active and hard work and the latter being an unconscious passive process that leads to reactions based on our internal programming.
- Unit 6: Dynamic communications, within many environments we rely completely on communications to achieve our goals. From the lofty goals of climbing a mountain, running a business and studying in a new area, through to those of playing in a team sport or going on that holiday, we rely on communications to allow us to achieve them all. In the previous Unit we explored how Listening was a core component in communications and how it gave rise too many areas including, our ability to gather information through note-taking, summarising discussion, agreeing outcomes and agreeing action points.
- Unit 7: There are many inputs to becoming a good communicator, language, information or content and being articulate, to name but a few. The more extensive your vocabulary and the more you understand a subject the better able you are to communicate these ideas to others. In an age of content, we have access to vast quantities of information via the internet. The ability to review this information and assess if it is relevant or worthy of further more in-depth review is a skill in itself.
- Unit 8: Within this unit we will look at the use of drafting, editing and proofreading skills and the correct conventions of language usage including spelling, punctuation and syntax to produce formal written communications relevant to a particular vocational area, to include reports, correspondence, faxes, memos, minutes.
Programme Entry Requirements:
- Level 5 Certificate or equivalent.
- Learners are expected to be proficient at reading, drafting, preparing and understanding information across a broad range of topics, including quantitative information for a Level 5 award and more complex information for Level 6 award.
- As this programme is delivered through distance learning or eLearning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
- As this programme is delivered through distance learning or eLearning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
Progression to further Studies:
- This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Students who successfully complete this programme may use this Level 6 credit towards completing a FETAC Major award.
Portfolio / Collection of Work 50%
Skills Demonstrations 50%
Portfolio / Collection of Work:
A portfolio/ collection of work will be compiled by each candidate. This portfolio will comprise 4 parts.
As part of this portfolio learers will demonstrate a range of learning outcomes to be achieve by each students on the programme.
Skills Demonstrations:
As part of their Skills Demonstration learners will be assessed by carrying out practical tasks demonstrating a range of learning outcomes. The practical requirements of this module will be compelted in a class room environment where all learners will work together in completing these requrements. Interviews and discussion will be carried out by the tutor and video evidence taken.
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 6 component Certificate in Communications (6N1950).
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €85 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and accreditation.
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