Childcare (Level 5 Major Award)
- Course Fee: Now on Special Offer at: €1095 (for all 8 Modules)
- FETAC Level 5 Major Certificate in Childcare – DCHSC
- Distance Learning course supported with fully qualified tutors & accredited by: FETAC
- There are no lectures to attend, and all course materials are provided.
- Students are given ample time (7 months/30 weeks) to complete the course and can start it at any time of the year.
- Course code – DCHSC must be completed by November 2012.
Some of the many benefits of studying with us on this course:
- Range: Excellent choice of modules to choose from.
- Pricing: Our Prices can’t be beaten – Why Pay more for the same FETAC Award!
- All student fees for this Major Award are fully secure and protected by a Bank Guarantee.
- Interest Free Easy Payment Plan available with this course. »Click here for further details.
- Study at your own time and pace.
- No classes to attend.
- We only offer FETAC awards thus ensuring high Quality and Standards.
- Work placement Insurance can be covered by us in certain circumstances. Ask for details.
- Group Discounts Available: Enrol 2 + people together for €985 per learner (a further discount of 7% per person on the existing Introductory offer price).
Enrol for this course online now with your Credit or Laser Card»
By contacting us on 01 206 1828 »
Who should complete this course?
- It is a suitable course for those with a significant professional interest in Childcare and who wish to gain a nationally accredited award as a Childcare Supervisor at Level 5.
This FETAC Level 5 Childcare course is designed to prepare you to work in a supervised role, competently, safely and effectively with children aged 0 – 6 years. The course is designed to emphasise the integrated nature of work with young children. It will also prepare you to work in a wide range of settings with different professionals and volunteers, recognising and valuing the importance of all of them in providing a service for children and their families. This childcare course is also structured to provide Graduates with the opportunity to progress to specialised courses in higher education.
This distance learning, FETAC accredited course means that Students can study flexibly at home, or at any convenient place and time, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification. Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Studyguide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration.
The course documentation for this course is detailed and easy to read. If students require extra time to complete the course they can apply for an extension. Assignments may be emailed or posted to the College whichever is more convenient.
Requirement in credit value is 8
Students must complete these 6 Mandatory Modules (click on the course title for further details)
Child Development D20005*
Learners who complete this module will:
- understand the concept of progression in child development
- identify and respond appropriately to children’s developmental needs in the home and the early years setting
- appreciate variations within the normal range of development
- recognise the contribution of adults to the development of children
- recognise the value of observation as a learning and research tool for the childcare worker.
Early Childhood Education D20007
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- understand the types and stages of play in child development
- understand the integrated nature of play and child development
- explore the benefits of play for children
- plan, implement and evaluate a range of play activities appropriate to different stages of children’s development
- understand the role and responsibility of the childcare worker when playing with children.
Working in Childcare D20153
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- be aware of the history and current status of childcare provision in Ireland
- recognise the importance of certain personal qualities and values for those working with children
- understand the entitlements and responsibilities of a childcare employee
- appreciate the need for continuing professional development in childcare, drawing on personal reflection and experience
- promote equality of opportunity and respect for diversity in the childcare setting
- appreciate the importance of working effectively with parents and as part of a childcare team.
Caring for Children (0-6 years) D20159*
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- understand the responsibilities involved in caring for children
- care for the physical needs of children from 0-6 years
- promote good practice in caring for children
- maintain an environment for children that is healthy, hygienic and safe.
Communications G20001
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- develop an awareness of the essential role played by communication in human interaction
- acquire communication skills relevant to vocational and personal development
- understand the communicative principles and practices involved in gathering and relaying information
- acquire the skills and confidence to convey and interpret meaning, in writing, orally and visually
- develop a critical awareness of communications messages and media
- explore the use of modern communication and information technology, and its application in personal and vocational life.
Work Experience W20008
Learners who successfully complete this module will:
- develop critical awareness of the changing nature of work
- set achievable goals for work experience
- utilise learning opportunities presented in the work environment
- apply work skills to consolidate learning in the vocational area
- understand how work is planned and organised at different levels in a specific vocational area
- appreciate the importance of safety and welfare in the workplace
- develop capabilities, both personal and vocational, to successfully meet challenges in the workplace
- review career choices in the light of their own aspirations, experience, abilities and available options
- explore future employment opportunities (including opportunities for self employment, contract work, work in the social economy, etc).
*Students taking these modules will have to sit an examination (€50.00) that is normally held in Dublin but arrangements can be made in outside centres around the country.
Elective Modules:
When you have completed the 6 mandatory modules you are then required to build up your credits by completing two elective modules at level 5, outlined below is the list of available options for you to choose from, pick any two:
Legal Studies |
5 |
1 |
Nutrition* |
5 |
1 |
Care Provision and Practice |
5 |
1 |
Safety and Health at Work* |
5 |
1 |
Intellectual Disability Studies |
5 |
1 |
Special Needs Assisting |
5 |
1 |
Understanding Special Needs |
5 |
1 |
Occupational First Aid |
5 |
1 |
Personal Effectiveness in the Workplace |
5 |
1 |
All participants must have access to a professional Childcare environment to fulfill the assessment requirements of the course – which is at least 100 hours work experience.
*Students taking these modules will have to sit an examination (€50.00) that is normally held in Dublin but arrangements can be made in outside centres around the country.
Work Placements
- If students are not in a position to secure a Work Placement or provide Insurance for the duration required please contact us to discuss further as we may be able to assist students with placements and work place insurance in certain circumstances.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites
- Level 4 Certificate, or Leaving Cert, or equivalent, or relevant life and work experience.
- Garda vetting is required for all Childcare placements and students can apply for this on an individual basis (this is not done through the college). If required please complete the data protection request form. »Click here to download required form.
- Certain assessments require completion of work, which must be observed and evaluated by a Supervisor or Line manager.
- If you take this course by distance learning the course material will be posted to you. You can complete and return assignments/projects which must be typed rather than handwritten either by post or by email.
- As this programme is delivered through distance learning or eLearning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
- If you take this course by eLearning you will need basic IT skills and have access to broadband.
- For more details on participation suitability of this course click here».
Progression to further Studies
- This course leads to a level 5 award on the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Students who successfully complete this programme may use this Level 5 award towards completing the FETAC Advanced Certificate in Supervision in Childcare programme (Ref. DCXXX).
- A combination of module appropriate assessment procedures will facilitate the assessment of learning outcomes of the course. These methods will include a combination of final written examinations (depending on your elective module) and continuous assessment processes such as assignments, collection of work, learner records, projects and skills demonstration. All assignments will be designed to maximize the individual participant’s skills in their career development All work submitted must be your own work.
- As part of our quality assurance, student assessment work will be marked by an Internal Assessor, validated by a Verifier with an independent FETAC External Authenticator to complete the process. Click here for more information.
- Following successful completion you will receive a FETAC Level 5 Major award in Childcare – DCHSC from FETAC.
- The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. The Open College is registered with FETAC to offer programmes leading to FETAC awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland. Click here for details of the National Framework of Qualifications.
- Click here for more detailed Accreditation information.
- There is a €165.00 registration fee payable to include administration, moderation and FETAC accreditation.
Protection for Learners on this Childcare Level 5 Major Award
As a course provider our policy on the protection for learners is subject to Section 43 of the Qualifications Act. This means that if, for whatever reason, we cease to provide the programme that is over 3 months in duration which you enrolled for, we have specific and legally binding arrangements in place to finish out that programme for you at no extra cost. All course fees for programmes over 3 months in duration are fully protected and secured by a Bank Guarantee.
If we cease trading those learners who have not finished their programme will be fully protected by this Bank Guarantee which will be automatically triggered and the fund that covers all Fees paid by learners will be transferred to FETAC by our Bank to enable FETAC provide further study options for these learners or the refund of fees most recently paid so that they can complete their programme and all of this will be at no extra cost to the learners affected.
Request a Free 2012 Prospectus:
»Click here to Request Prospectus
Further Study Options:
»Click here to view some further study options.